1. Minimum attendance for appearing in the Examination is 75% or above. In case of absence (except illness) the parent is responsible to update their ward's work. A proper application for absence should be submitted.
2. The session is divided into two terms i.e. Mid Term and Annual Examination.
3. Each term is of 100 marks which consists of 80 marks summative and 20 marks formative.
4. Formative includes series test marks and regular school activities and assignments conducted in school.
5. Mid Term is held in the month of September and Annual Examination in the month of February.
6. Children should be present in all the examinations. No exam will be conducted before or after the scheduled period.
7. Children should come prepared with the lessons and the things required to answer in the paper.
8. Every student must carry their own stationaries and they will not be allowed to borrow during examination.
9. Children should write their name and Roll No. on the question paper and answer sheets.
10. No answer should be written on the question papers until instructed for the same.
11. 15 minutes will be given to read the paper.
12. No child will be allowed to leave the Exam room before the final bell.
13. The child will get extra sheets only after completing previous one.
14. Change of ink in the answer sheet be duly signed by invigilator.
15. Children should revise the paper after answering and once the paper is submitted he/she will not be given the answer sheet again.
16. No unfair means should be used while answering the exam.
17. Parent should clear the fees on time. Failing which the student will not be allowed to answer the examination.
Rules For Unit Test
1. Unit tests are a part of Academic Evaluation of a child as per the CBSE instruction.
2. There will be one unit test before each term.
3. Each test carries 20 marks.
4. No test will be taken after or before the scheduled date under any circumstances.
5. Students should be present on all the unit test as marks of the unit tests are included in the Terminal Examination.
6. The students should submit all the unit tests notebooks as mentioned in the Book list on the 1st day of the New Session.
7. Portion of unit test are sent a week before the test. In should be sent to school. 1. Unit tests are a part of Academic Evaluation of a child as per the case of child's absence or non-receipt of portion it should 2. There will be one unit test before each term. be collected at least two days in advance by the parents.
8. Student should come well prepared to the school for test.
9. No unfair means should be used while answering the unit test.
10. Overall weightage of the examination comprises : Subject Enrichment activities carrying 5% weightage, Note book assignments carrying 5%, Unit Test of 10% and Terminal Examination of 80%.